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Hero Smash

Design Notes



July 11, 2011

This just might be HeroSmash's biggest week - EVER

Ok, so we have had some huge, epic releases in HeroSmash, but none of them have been THIS huge. Let me break it down for you…

The Third Trial of Super Death – Super Death may have taken a week off to recuperate from too much partying but he’s back with a vengeance. This next trial will be about strength and skills, but he doesn’t just stop there. Super Death has added a new element to this trial, speed. This is going to be one heck of a ride!     

Harriette Popper Part 2 – That’s right. Everyone had fun learning how to use the new magical powers, and now the gift shop has arrived. All four houses of Swinescabs will be represented. Jemini is in charge of these items, so you can expect them to be Popper-ific! This event will truly be magical.

Saved the best for last – I was looking around the lab today, and can you guess what I found. More Bag Space! I talked to Zhoom, and he said – ok. SO this week we will be maxing out the bag space to – wait for it – 100. Get those Smash Coins now. The price for the extra 50 bag slots is 8500 SC’s. It breaks down like this. 200 SC’s for 1 bag slot. 6000 SC’s for an additional 30. And 8500 for an additional 50! That’s 100 bag slots of awesome!

That’s a lot to do, I better get back to work!

Tags: Yergen Super Death Movie Release Pork Nuggets

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