Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

February 12, 2014

Heroes Heart Day

Let go of my Brick-o!

Hero Heart Day is rocketing towards us and Harry will once again open up his shop to all.

Hero Heart Harry 2014

As this event approaches, so, too, does the current Limited Time Shop come to an end. The 'Bricko Movie' items are all RARE, but we will be adding permanent 'Bricko Movie' -inspired cosplay items to the game.

The Ultimate Evil and Good shop items got a face lift, thanks to Polistar! Postmaster and Wonderp Bread have completed the new game promotional package armor set, 'Titanical,' (it's in testing phase - the release date will be set soon as testing is complete)

In the last few weeks, HeroSmash has been moved to new servers and has had other, minor, updates. The character creation screen is also being worked on to fix some issues. We will be releasing this very soon.

Smashmas will be leaving next week. Before Smashmas is gone, we plan to release a new Smashmas badge (the art is ready, just have coding left).

It has been a super cold winter, hope you all are warm and safe!

Tags: Randor the Red Heroes Heart Day

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