Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

December 04, 2013

SMASHgiving and Birthday Fun!

Hope you all had a great SMASHgiving (Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday)! So much has been happening this week. Not only do we have SMASHgiving, but we also have Wonderp Bread's and Yergen's Birthdays! Yergen (HeroSmash Game Lead) is also the Super City Major (You don't remember there being any election?) and each year the city has a parade in his honor. Yergen also personally makes an item or two for his Birthday shop (expect to see the event this weekend).

Yergen Birthday 2013

Wonderp Bread will not be having a shop this year. Instead, he will allow you to test your skills against him in battle! If he deems you worthy, he will give (via drop) prizes. You will find him next to the Super City Bridge this week, so keep an eye out for him.

Next, we are preparing for SMASHmas and the start of the new year. In the new year updates will not be weekly, as we want get a new area up and running. The truth is that I never planned on weekly updates like the other AE games, but the team has worked hard to make that happen so we should give them all thanks for their hard work.

Tags: Randor the Red SmashGiving

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