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Hero Smash

Design Notes



September 12, 2011

Mondays are Super!

Let’s start the week off right with new Player Suggested items and a sneak-peek of my favorite upcoming event: Talk Like a Pirate Day.

Over the weekend, Yergen snuck online and released 3 new player suggested items!

wonderp and attack gloves
Me and Caffeinator loafing around. Bad guys are TOAST!  

Now, I know what you’re thinking—that derpy bread helm could ONLY be the work of Beleen. But it wasn’t! Seriously! Your fellow player Wonderp Bread inspired the transforming Wonderped Bread Helm that pairs up perfectly with the Wonderped Bread Armor. The Attack Gloves that I’m sporting is the fine work of Gead, and all of these items are obtainable in the Hero Spire and Skull Deep Kiosks.

WOAH! Is that a Chaos Lord?!

Naw—it’s just the Supreme Commander Armor!

supreme commander
Artix thinks PINK is chaotic...

Most people have a misconception of Chaos. Some think that Chaos is aligned with Evil, but if AQWorlds has taught us anything, it’s that Chaos is neither Good nor Evil. Chaos is, in fact, a commanding force that can be harnessed by Heroes and Villains alike. And today, you too can equip this wicked armor at the DTU Kiosks for 30 DTs.

Spoilers arrrrrr here!

One of my most favorite holidays is making landfall next Monday, September 19th. Some land lubbers think it’s kind of silly, but for all my fellow swashbucklers out there, this holiday is a treasure chest just waiting to be plundered. It’s Talk Like A Pirate Day, matey!

yo ho yo a pirates armor for me

Here’s a sneak-peak of some booty you can salvage during HeroSmash’s first ever Talk Like A Pirate Day. You gotta give mad props to Zheenx for making this armor set—and he actually based the design off my real-life pirate costume that I own! That artist be a genius, that he be!   

But as far as TLAPD spoilers go, that’s all I know. For now. But as soon as I find out more, I will be sure to post them here on the Design Notes or on my Twitter!

Smash On me hearties!      

Tags: Player Suggestion spoilers Sneak Peek TLAPD Pirate Beleen

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