Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

October 10, 2014

Mutli-Game Event!

We have a special event across all AE games! The Curse of the Phantom PIXEL! Hunt down cursed items to unlock the OmniKnight Blade (comes with an in-game shop, badge, and it is click-able with CC energy blade). HeroSmash has placed an Epic Shield on the monsters in the HOTtest zone. Enjoy the hunt!

Also we want to wish all Canadians a happy Thanksgiving weekend!

Next week, we'll be adding some last-minute items to the Talk Like a Pirate Day Shop, which will be gone the following week, so keep an eye out (unless you have a eye patch on).

Tags: Randor the Red Curse of the Phantom Pixel TLAPD

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