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Design Notes


Randor the Red

March 17, 2015

Winter Woes

Hiya all SMASHers!

Sorry for silence last past months, there has been a lot going on!

I have been mostly been away dealing with the hardest Winter the Secret Outpost has ever experienced (and some personal family issues). Many times I wanted to move the Secret Outpost to one of the icebergs in the bay and float down south to the AE HQ where icebergs are so small they call 'em ice cubes!

Don't worry, though. While the maps did not get updated as planned, the down time was used to increase game security and make improvements to the game servers.

Lucky Day got released this week, but the snow storms made it impossible to work on new items. If we get lucky next week, some new rares will be added along with some final tweaks to the new NPC on Overlook – Pat O'Gold (yes, I love puns).

Now that Spring is around the corner, expect things to pick back up. Also, I will soon be looking for new volunteer developers (I'll post more details when the time comes).

As always, stay safe and keep warm!

Tags: Randor the Red Lucky Day

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