Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

April 16, 2014

Changes to Types

Sorry to be silent the past few weeks, folks.

A lot is going on behind the scenes. As you all may know, we made Wonderp Bread my Asst. Project Lead, so he has the power to learn what I know. That cameĀ at the same time I finally got access to coders, programmers, and web designers for a week.

So, what's happening behind the scenes?

HS code was ported from AQW and adjusted to suit a game of super powered heroes/villains. HS was going to be different from AQW having more modern and futuristic comic-style weapons. The names of the weapon types were used from the AQW setup. As we moved along, we notice players wanted all kinds of weapons to make each player more unique. Until now, there were SWORD, AXE and GUN types, but this made it hard to place weapons like chainsaws and bows under the old archetypes.

So a week ago, we merged all AXE type to SWORD (well, Derp did the final ones). A Few weeks ago, we had llussion create MELEE and GUN types. Then Capt. Rhubarb 'automatically' transfered the old types to the new ones (saving us a ton of time!)

Being Project Lead can be crazy, but I am crazy about what I do, so it has been around the clock fighting to get things going. I also had to wait until mobile game was done.

Shields: I found to be odd in the WEAPON category as they're meant to protect. So, it is now in the ARMOR section of shops thanks to llussion. Currently, coders/programmers and web page designers are busy updating security and servers.

In the near future, we will be fixing gun attacks and capes. I'm not sure when, but it's on my list of requests. We're also working on character page badge fixes.

There is more stuff going on that I will share in time, but I don't want jinx things.

All this is happening because all of you have shown so much love for HS, and I thank you dearly for that.

Tags: Randor the Red Types

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