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Hero Smash

Design Notes



July 15, 2011

Trials and Magic Make HeroSmash Mega Epic

Who Run Trader Town?

Super Death reveals his third trial. It's time to go to a post-apocalyptic future and save TraderTown from mutants, crazies, and the giant BlasterMaster! 

In this crazy world, you will need to collect packs of gum from defeated enemies to trade in for supplies, and survive a high speed racing car game with huge powered-up turret guns! Listen all! This is the truth of it. Will you have what it takes to take on world with no rules? Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls... Dyin' time's here.

Randor and Zheenx have made a junkyard full of wicked weapon, just right for fighting. O and major props for Dumoose and Llusion. This map has gum trading and one AWESOME minigame that will have you racing through the desert.

Harriette Popper Has Delivered

Harriette Popper has finally managed to make the stuff for the gift shop apparate. See Sam in the Market Street Mega Plex to get you official Swinescab swag. All four houses are represented.

A major round of applause to Jemini, for single handedly making all the items for this movie release.

Good Job to the whole HeroSmash Team. Hooray!

Tags: Yergen Super Death Movie Release Jemini Multidimensional

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