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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

January 25, 2013

The age of Ice

This week there is no HeroSmash update. One of the drawbacks of living on the coast up North is that you’re open to the elements (real life elemental damage HURTS). When we think of Smashmas, we forget that it’s not just a holiday season, but one that comes with winter weather. Winter storms have been wreaking havoc on the power grid here, which has lead to other issues like no computer, no internet, no TV, no lights, no heating and, for some, no water.

Let’s all remember that there are many people affected by severe winter storms. I’m asking everyone to be a Hero (just in real life, villains, don’t worry!) and help others whenever you can.

Next week: Player suggestions! Art has been pouring in from art team.

Coming soon: Many of you have been asking for a 2v2 PvP zone, so we’re currently working on making that happen!

Have a great weekend, be careful, and be safe!

Tags: Randor the Red

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