Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes



August 26, 2015

Calling all Heroes... (and Villains)

 *Mechanical Announcement Voice* Good Evening! We interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast for an announcement by our beloved Mayor, Yergen Von Smergenbergen!


...You heard me! I want a 78.479% tax on bacon! Why? Because I don't want anyone else buying besides me! Do not underestimate my love for bacon! What?! Don't call me a poopy pants just because bacon is going to be more expensive! Yeah? Well you're a... Wait, we're live? Umm...

Hello! I’m Mayor Yergen Von Smergenbergen. Today, I’m sending out a call for all the Superhumans out there. Our great city of Super City, along with many other cities and towns around the globe, are in great danger! And only the greatest Heroes, and even Villains, can save us! We need you to explore the world, completing quests from various citizens, fellow Heroes and Villains, and the occasional talking animal!  

Join us in a world where you create your own identity for yourself! Become famous (or infamous)! Assemble and hone your own arsenal of superpowers to save citizens or destroy your enemies! Battle friends and foes in our Smashdome! Go shopping on Main Street… (Okay, normal people can do that too, but Superhumans need clothes and shoes too, right?) Only at Herosmash, the free MMORPG you can play in your browser! 100% Download Free, No Trans Fat! So join us today!


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Tags: Yergen HeroSmash

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