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January 13, 2012

F13 Item Sneak Peek, and more Battle Polls info

Hey power people. I know, I can't just start off with a header like that, and not deliver, so I'll just jump to the good stuff. 

Pretty sick, huh? If things go the way i have labeled them, expect lots of rares! However - I tend to over-rare, and then things get medium well, and then you have a steak sandwich. So we'll see how things go.

There has been a lot of questions as to Battle Polls. Here is some more info on those. With all these wars between good and evil we have it lead me to realize one thing. EVIL WILL ALWAYS WIN. It's not a bad thing. And it certainly doesn't mean that the good guys don't try. They put up a crazy fight. But Super Death and I have noticed that when we oversee all these wars the villains always end up on top. So it got me thinking... How can we still pit player against player in epic wars that are still fun, and always find a way to make it fun, while giving everyone a chance? Zoinks! Thats a big question. Well I came up with one good idea. Battle Polls. Take any two things. Dogs vs Cats, Action vs Comedy, Sprinkles vs Chocolate Chipe, or maybe even the epic choice - Pirates vs Ninja. Which is the best? That's where you come in. You decide who wins by turning in PvP war tokens. The choice is yours when the lines are drawn. Win a winner emerges, an item will appear in the Battle Poll shop that is inspired by what you were fighting for. Now we can always have epic wars, and the outsome will always be unkoown! Man this is going to be fun. Expect the first Battle Poll in the next couple of weeks or so (sporatic release schedule, remember). If you have any ideasfor what the first Battle Poll should be let me know on Twitter with a #BattlePolls tag on it!

~Yergen Von Shmergenbergen

Tags: Yergen F13 Friday the 13th Sneak Peek Battle Polls Parasol

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