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Design Notes


Randor the Red

January 08, 2013

Smashdome Update!

Sorry for this weeks release being late folks, as many of you know, we are a smaller team in comparison to the other AE games. While we do try to release weekly, it is not always possible, especially when dealing with bugs. This time around there was a minor issue due to flash compatibility and I will not release buggy updates if there is a way to fix the bugs first.

In this weeks release I will expand the possible PvP arenas in the Smashdome with the Smashmas arenas and the previously lost, but now found Aquatian arena. This is not a seasonal change, but a permanent change. I think of the Smashdome as a fight simulator where one can fight in any environment, at any time. On top of that, the changes I made to the menu will allow for a few more new zones to be added in the future!

Smashmas war! I updated the old war to go along with the update changes to the game this past year. This caused an odd overlap issue. After reworking some of the code, things are looking good and if all goes well next release will be just what is wanted, war! The war will be different from before, but better late than never!

We are also looking into the issue with the PvP leader-boards as some scores are not changing. Please report all bugs on the AE Forums!

Tags: Randor the Red Smashdome

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