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Design Notes


Randor the Red

July 12, 2013


As our long time players know, seasonal and event rare items have year 
tags on them ('11, '12, '13, etc.). Meaning they can return or disappear 
at any time and be replaced with a newer version. Tags help rare 
collectors to prove when they got that item and to compare changes in 
each version. So what happens when a regular appearing item gets replaced? 
This is where Prototypes come in, when we decide to update artwork and add 
CC versions to shops the old ones will be renamed as 'Prototype' and be 
labelled RARE! Case in point is this Freedom day shop we updated the 
Canuck Crusadar art and made a CC versions (along with gun mode 
corrections) to the Bottle Rocket Launcher while leaving the originals (bugs 
and all) intact (this will only affect new changed items only).

Tags: Randor

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