Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Randor the Red

May 25, 2012

Daily Shop and Memorial Day

Many asked to have an armor set added to the Daily Shop and so Polistar has created the "Practel Enforcer Gear" in both CC and non-CC versions. Also keep an eye out each day for the matching helms and weapons!

memorial day

Been a busy week but Zheenx and Polistar have made some Memorial Day items. Expect to see a shop on Sunday.

Wow alot of people were excited to see bows come to HersoSmash :) So I will be adding some to the Daily shop as soon they are setup (there will be a fire and water theme ones by Zheenx, they are really cool looking!)

For all those that celebrate Memorial Day have a great weekend!

Tags: Daily Shop

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