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June 14, 2011

Another Super Release in the Mega-Plex

In brightest rooms, in blackest streams,
No evil shall get away from my team
Let those who kinda like evil’s scheme,
Beware my abilities… Lime Flashlights' beam!

This week the Market Street Movie Mega Plex is going green. Well, almost. The Mega Plex will be featuring the Lime Flashlight. All the emerald goodies will be available this Thrusday, and the Team 10 items will be gone forever. - Also look to Dean for a speacial Lime Flashlight mission. See you this Thursday!

Randor and Zheenx made some wicked weapons for this release. All very Lime-tastic. Jemini and Thyton rocked the armors.

Tags: Yergen Sneak Peek Movie Release Spelunking

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