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Design Notes


Randor the Red

September 05, 2015

CON-tinuation of my Atlan-ture


Hello Smashers,

Randor here! For the last couple of years, I've been wandering the halls of what is known as Atlanti-Con and just my luck! I have gotten the brochure for this year’s con. Who knew Earth had a postal system to my Red Planet?! I'm super excited to go back! I've gotten to meet pretty amazing people and have seen some awesome costumes while I was there during my past trips and it's always had been a great experience! I'm excited to go and I'll be sure to let you all know about what crazy adventures I have in store this year so be prepared for an epic flood of robot costumes and rainbow-colored hair for a sci-fi anime filled convention is gathering this autumn.

Tags: Randor the Red Atlanti-Con

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