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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Super Death

July 20, 2011

A message from Super Death about the third trial

Salutations from the Fortress of Deathitude,

How have you been enjoying my trials? It takes a lot of work, on my part, to create them for you. I hope that you have found them a challenge. The third challenge was quite a piece of work. Traveling forward in time, creating a post apocalyptic universe, dealing with all that pig – well, you know. The genetic mutation alone took some considerable amount of effort. It’s been a nightmare for me. If I’m not setting up a trial, I’m on the phone, talking with the temp agency. Seems they haven’t been able to find a temp that can stomach the job. I guess not actually having a stomach works out for me. Ah well.

I must say that those that are taking on the challenges of my trials are showing serious promise. However, while Team Hero has still been powering through this third trial, I would have to say that all that style has finally paid off, and that this trial has shown a huge win for Team Villain. They have been calculated and vicious in their trial strategy, two elements that I see in myself sometimes. Team Hero, you have a lot of work to do in the next and last trial. However, if you show the strength that I have seen in the other trials you just might have a shot. This is getting exciting, I must say. I am impressed by everyone’s hard work, including my own! Keep playing, and remember, I am always watching. Now if you would please excuse me, I have a sky diving class with that Ferman Von Yergmeyer fellow. Being Death, I don’t get to make a lot of friends. But I must say, that Yorpin guy is a lot of fun to hang around with.

Super Death

Tags: Super Death

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