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Hero Smash

Design Notes



June 02, 2011

Team 10 arrives at the Movie Mega Plex


The uncanny force of Team 10 has arrived at the Market St Movie Mega Plex (*whew* That's a lot of M's).

There are armor, items, and hair styles for you to make yourself one of the elite. Also pick up some new powers. For the first time HeroSmash will be offering POWERS that will become perma-rare! What power will best suit you? Is it the Phoenix Fire, Magnetism, Foresight, Animal Fury, or Claw Fighter?

Jemini did a really good job on these items. Thyton had fun making Titanium 10 armor with Jemini. and Dumoose, yet again made some excellent powers. These are boosted powers that for the first time use multi-tasking! (Yep, multi-tasking. His words, not mine.)


Let me tell you.

* We made a big round of bug, and map fixes.

* Fixed some of the lag issues

* We also included the ability to see lost cutscenes through your HALdroid. Simply open your MISSION app, access the MISSION tab and find the mission that had the cutscene you were looking to re-see.

* Also included in the HALdroid is the new Artix Point Redemtion app. Now you can easily purchase and redeem artix points through the HALdroid. How cool is that!

Tags: Yergen Jemini Dumoose Powers Items Armors Flagstaff

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