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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Super Death

July 05, 2011

A brief message from Super Death

Greetings and Salutations my inspirations of villainy or justice. What can I tell you, I partied a bit too hard this weekend. That yellow guy, Yermen Fergemerger, or whatever, invited me to his mansion, and let me tell you that place was off the hook! Ugh - my head... Well, sadly I have not been able to concentrate enough to pull together a third trial for you to go through. You'd think I'd have these planned out, huh? Well no matter. That Yergum guy said he would take care of it. 

Oh yea. You guys probably want to know how I think you all are doing? I must say, everyone impressed me this trial. You all fought bravely, and used your minds as well as your fists. I'm torn on this call. Team Hero is pounding through this trial like a team with a purpose. Team Villain on the other hand is completing this trial with some heavy style. Which team am I leaning towards so far? Ugh, I don't know. I'm too partied out to decide. You guys pick this one for me, ok?

~Hugs and kisses,

Super Death

Tags: Super Death Super Death

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