Artix Entertainment

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Hero Smash

Design Notes



May 06, 2011

Shock Bloopers!

The SkyGod armor, SkyHammer, and Lightning super-powers are here!  Find them in Spear's shop in the Overlook.  (Spear is our newest contest winner!)


PLUS:  A new enemy has arrived in Super City!  Right now, the Shock Bloopers can be found in the virtual training rooms in HeroSpire an SkullDeep.  Defeat them and there is a chance they will drop the Dark Dynamo Armor and Transmitter Helmet!



  • Beleen is now visiting her store on MainstreetEast and offering markings!
  • Professor Smash sent a Medic to his academy in Liberty Square to train students in the art of healing.
  • The exterminators made their first round around the city squashing bugs by the river, in the corporal building, down Main Street, Liberty Square, HeroSpire and even Skull Deep.
  • And Poison powers are now in Rocker's shop in Skull Deep!

Tags: Galanor

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