Galanor | May 13, 2011 The Cirque du Muerte is getting ready to open!We are in the homestretch leading up to today's release! Zazul, master of the Cirque du Muerte carnival, will arrive with dozens of new items, Carnivorous Clowns, and a giant Alligator Man! All new items will be seasonal and special event rares that only appear on Friday the 13th or whenever a canrival is in town, EXCEPT for 3 new items which will go totally rare and NEVER return once the Cirque du Muerte leaves town: Twisted armor, Teddy Cutskin axe, and the MonkeyBack item! Other new items will include Zazul's Tophat, Hypno Beam gun, Cirque armors (Strongman/Acrobat Girl), Lion Tamer whip, and many more! SMASH ON!
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