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Hero Smash

Design Notes


Super Death

August 17, 2011

An Update From Super Death

Greetings and Salutation fellow power people.

You all have played through my trials perfectly. You all have fought extremely valiantly. This challenge really took you all to new “heights”. Team Villain has vastly dominated this last trial, powering through the missions. However power is not always the key to winning. Team Hero has been calculated and has made fewer mistakes throughout this trial. Their strategy has shown that they can possible outlast sheer might, and that quality is very appealing to me. Where does that leave us? As it stands now, I just can’t decide. While I was talking to Flermen Shmergenhergen about that incident in the caves, that you all told me about, we discussed the dilemma I am in. I told him that I have created all these amazing portals and locations to help me decide, and yet, I am still torn as to which side to choose. I have warped reality and time to put you all through challenges that would help me see the right team to be on, and yet there is no clear answer. Merphin Glerbindergen understood my problem and had a simple suggestion. A war. Pit the two sides against each other, and see which ones come out victorious. An interesting idea. And interesting idea indeed. This Thursday should be very interesting...

Remember - I will always have my eye on you.

~Hugs and kisses,

Super Death

Tags: Super Death

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