Artix apologizes to Blizzard for HeroSmash stealing Cataclysm’s thunder
Artix Entertainment LLC, the indie web game dev company behind AdventureQuest Worlds (, today publically apologized for unknowingly scheduling the alpha test of their new super MMO, HeroSmash, on the same day World of Warcraft: Cataclysm was being released.
“We had no idea we were releasing the alpha test on the same day until a player told me last night.”, says Artix’s Founder/Paladin Adam Bohn, “The impact our new game release on Cataclysm could be catastrophic. They could lose literally 10s… or even single digits… of players. This was not anyone’s fault, just bad timing. If Blizzard decides to push back their release date we are sure everyone will understand.”
HeroSmash ( is Artix’s 6th major game, a flash MMO that plays in your browser being created for their network of over 100 million registered players. Originally entitled SuperHeroQuest, the name had been begrudgingly changed to HeroSmash following a joint cease and desist letter from DC and Marvel claiming they own the trademark on the words “Super Hero”.
Underdog or not, a true Hero never gives up. Alpha testing for HeroSmash begins Tuesday, December 7th at sundown. Core features include real-time cooperative combat, flying, stylized “Vinyl” characters, anything goes skills & powers, and underpants that you can wear on the wrong side of your spandex. Taking the community driven spirit of Artix’s game development process to a new level -- players will be selected to become major NPCs (non-player characters) during the alpha and one lucky player will actually rise to become main villain of the game. Due to space, early alpha testing will be limited to upgraded members of their other web-based games.
You can learn more about HeroSmash at the official website Http://